Changelog for Fuegokit React

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Patch Changes

  • 4c5638ec: Patch for styled-components update 5.3.5 --> 5.3.11
  • 4542d08c: Update for snyk warning related to nested sharp dependency.
  • Updated dependencies [4c5638ec]
  • Updated dependencies [4542d08c]


Patch Changes

  • 8b19fa2d: Initial release of @fuegokit/atlassian-react-components
  • Updated dependencies [de981260]
  • Updated dependencies [de981260]


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Patch Changes

  • 59cc327c: Ship AtlasToggle in @fuegokit/react bundle
  • 61a12cf4: Add AtlasToggle component to @fuegokit/react
  • Updated dependencies [f4c4f972]
    • @fuegokit/tokens@0.20.0


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Patch Changes

  • bde4ebae: Improves centering logic in Button primitive for leading and trailing icons
  • 0807d01c: Improves visual placement of leading- and trailing- visual elements in Button primitive
  • 0807d01c: Widens the leadingIcon and trailingIcon types in the Button component in @fuegokit/atlassian-react-components. This provides better portability for consumers of legacy 3rd-party libs who may have had to support deprecated React.Child types for those props:
leadingIcon?: React.ComponentType | InnerVisualType | React.ReactNode | null

This provides wider support both common types of usage:

<Button leadingIcon={<MyIcon size="small">}button</Button>

as well as

<Button leadingIcon={MyIcon}button</Button>
  • bde4ebae: Widens the FuegokitThemeType so that inverse modifier tokens for brand components work interoperably with intellisense
    • Updated dependencies [bde4ebae]
    • Updated dependencies [ea8c0b2b]
    • Updated dependencies [ea8c0b2b]
    • Updated dependencies [ea8c0b2b]
    • Updated dependencies [ea8c0b2b]
    • Updated dependencies [ea8c0b2b]
    • Updated dependencies [bde4ebae]
      • @fuegokit/tokens@0.19.0


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Patch Changes

  • 2cacf69e: Fixes an issue with size tokens object emitting the wrong object shape


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Minor Changes

  • e22a43fe: adds correct native <code> attributes to the Code component in @fuegokit/a-r-c and @fuegokit/react
  • e22a43fe: widens types for Code component in @fuegokit/atlassian-react-components and @fuegokit/react

Patch Changes

  • e22a43fe: Patch for migration to fk- tokens set in @fuegokit/react
  • e22a43fe: Migrates the source of tokens for @fuegokit/react to the stable fk- token sets, which removes the additional dependency on palette aliases.
  • Updated dependencies [e22a43fe]
  • Updated dependencies [e22a43fe]
  • Updated dependencies [e22a43fe]
    • @fuegokit/tokens@0.18.0


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Minor Changes

  • 764a7b9d: Use stable react-aria CollectionProps, ComboboxRenderProps, Listbox props
  • 764a7b9d: Add the ValidationState shared type to @fuegokit/react
  • 764a7b9d: Ships the useAsyncList hook in @fuegokit/react
  • 764a7b9d: Removes unused useCachedChildren and CachedChildren type from @fuegokit/react's Combobox primitive types

Patch Changes

  • 764a7b9d: Patch for update to Combobox Item types
  • 764a7b9d: Updates the useOutsideClick hook to support span elements
  • Updated dependencies [764a7b9d]
  • Updated dependencies [764a7b9d]
    • @fuegokit/tokens@0.17.0


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Minor Changes

  • 3798924d: exports tooltip provider from @fuegokit/react for consuming packages to re-use
  • 3798924d: Exports the FuegokitThemeMapType for consumers of @fuegokit/react
  • 3798924d: Exports the UnstyledTextInput primitive for consumers

Patch Changes

  • 3798924d: exports Combine utility type


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Minor Changes

  • 5f44d1b2: Adds reusable shared types for @fuegokit/react for testId and UNSAFE_className
  • 5f44d1b2: Adds the Label primitive to @fuegokit/react

Patch Changes

  • 6a370336: widens the base type for the @fuegokit/react button primitive with shared testId and UNSAFE_className types
  • Updated dependencies [2fb18b17]
    • @fuegokit/tokens@0.16.4


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Patch Changes

  • bdccbc41: Adds Textarea primitive to @fuegokit/react


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Patch Changes

  • 83370238: patch for migration to turbo
  • 01cabd4d: patch for migration to turbo
  • Updated dependencies [83370238]
  • Updated dependencies [01cabd4d]
    • @fuegokit/prettier-config@1.1.10
    • @fuegokit/tokens@0.16.2


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Patch Changes

  • 11cab62f: Patch for tokens build artifact source change in @fuegokit/react


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Patch Changes

  • 4bf0f79e: Removes transient props from leaking into DOM at GlobalHeaderMenu.Trigger and changes ButtonBase from onPress to onClick to fix unknown event handler property warning.
  • a7230df2: fix problem concerning stateful components used in the RuleItem component, adds min-width: 0 to RuleItem wrapper, and stack for better handling of common consumer edge cases
  • Updated dependencies [82a6cafc]
    • @fuegokit/tokens@0.16.1


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Patch Changes

  • 9fdc836d: Adds a key prop to <Link/> components that get rendered in the <Card.Footer/> section of the <FooterCard/> component to prevent key prop warning. g
  • Updated dependencies [7154fbbf]
  • Updated dependencies [3ec97c22]
    • @fuegokit/tokens@0.16.0


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Minor Changes

  • 0f81e3f6: Deprecates the fromStatus and toStatus props on RuleTransition components
  • 0f81e3f6: Adds the RuleStatusLozenge component

Patch Changes

  • Updated dependencies [4690b671]
  • Updated dependencies [36717f8a]
    • @fuegokit/tokens@0.15.0


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Patch Changes

  • 45270536: adds two new RuleBuilder icons

    • ak-rb-calendar
    • ak-rb-shared
  • Updated dependencies [b6e53444]

    • @fuegokit/tokens@0.14.2


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Patch Changes

  • 94abc9a5: adds two new RuleBuilder icons

    • ak-rb-workflow
    • ak-rb-template


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Patch Changes

  • 0a42093c: Fix overflowing issue on rule builder left panel


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Patch Changes

  • d69bd277: adds user-select none to AtlasCheckbox label
  • d69bd277: updates visual alignment and spacing for RuleFilter
  • d69bd277: improves scalability for RuleStepLabel by ensuring that the clipped polygon is always 100% of the step label parent height


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Patch Changes

  • 4305c467: Removes a false-positive console warning for aria-label and aria-labelledby with Spinner
  • Updated dependencies [f8748168]
  • Updated dependencies [7297f82b]
    • @fuegokit/tokens@0.14.0


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Patch Changes

  • 26bd8d39: Refactor RuleFilter component so that it can be used as a controlled or uncontrolled input


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Patch Changes

  • 91d0278e: Adds the sx prop to the CheckboxOrRadioGroup for cases more granular layout control is needed.
  • 91d0278e: Adds the direction prop to CheckboxOrRadioGroup for row or column micro layouts
  • 4fedec54: Moves Rule builder components from the experimental bundle to the main bundle in Fuegokit React


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Patch Changes

  • f592e0e6: fixes an issue with text.inverse on hover in polymorphic buttons as <a> tags in Atlassian products


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Patch Changes

  • 0bea0680: prevents an unwanted <h2> margin-top setting in getting started use case cards


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Patch Changes

  • 822d5deb: Fixes unwanted <li> targeting in Getting Started footer nav elements
  • b50bb73f: prevents an unwanted <h2> margin-top setting in getting started use case cards
  • 822d5deb: Targets the use case card <li> with a combinator to ensure consistent top-margin inside the product environment
  • 259afff7: exports Datepicker primitive props
  • 822d5deb: Adds color style declaration for polymorphic <a> tag AtlasButton
  • 259afff7: exports useFocusRing hook
  • 259afff7: exports additional types annotations for tabs primitive
  • Updated dependencies [4ad91311]
    • @fuegokit/prettier-config@1.1.9


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Patch Changes

  • 3956e907: patch for TS monorepo configuration updates to prettier-config
  • Updated dependencies [4236c8a9]
  • Updated dependencies [3956e907]
    • @fuegokit/tokens@0.13.3
    • @fuegokit/prettier-config@1.1.8


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Patch Changes

  • b9a4a598: Adds missing export for RuleBuilderIcon from package [react][experimental]
  • Updated dependencies [5c7ffd59]
    • @fuegokit/tokens@0.13.1


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Patch Changes

  • c53533b1: updates in atlassian product theme #082145 --> #092957
  • c53533b1: updates scale.yellow.900 in atlassian product themes #3D2E00 --> #3F3102
  • c53533b1: updates for atlassian product themes #391813 --> #4F1C16
  • c53533b1: updates in atlassian product themes #43290F --> #4A2B0F'
  • c53533b1: updates scale.purple.900 in atlassian product themes #231C3F --> #2B2451
  • c53533b1: updates scale.magenta.900 for atlassian product themes #341829 --> #421F34'
  • c53533b1: updates in atlassian product themes #133527 --> #143C2B
  • c53533b1: updates scale.teal.900 for atlassian product themes #2B2451 --> #15373B
  • Updated dependencies [c53533b1]
  • Updated dependencies [c53533b1]
  • Updated dependencies [c53533b1]
  • Updated dependencies [c53533b1]
  • Updated dependencies [c53533b1]
  • Updated dependencies [c53533b1]
  • Updated dependencies [c53533b1]
  • Updated dependencies [c53533b1]
  • Updated dependencies [c53533b1]
  • Updated dependencies [c53533b1]
  • Updated dependencies [c53533b1]
  • Updated dependencies [c53533b1]
  • Updated dependencies [c53533b1]
  • Updated dependencies [c53533b1]
  • Updated dependencies [c53533b1]
  • Updated dependencies [c53533b1]
  • Updated dependencies [c53533b1]
  • Updated dependencies [c53533b1]
  • Updated dependencies [c53533b1]
  • Updated dependencies [c53533b1]
  • Updated dependencies [c53533b1]
  • Updated dependencies [c53533b1]
  • Updated dependencies [c53533b1]
  • Updated dependencies [c53533b1]
    • @fuegokit/tokens@0.11.1


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Minor Changes

  • ffe927bd: Removes the focus-visible polyfill from @fuegokit/react. focus-visible is supported in every browser now.
  • cd30d543: scaffolds and ships the navigation menu component


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Minor Changes

  • e3e6f5c6: Removes conflicting size pass-through prop from the AtlasCheckbox types
  • e3e6f5c6: adds validationState prop to Combobox root props
  • e3e6f5c6: Adds the isLabelVisuallyHidden prop to AtlasCheckbox

Patch Changes

  • 44ed4ce5: Add a temporary local type override for a missing type (RouterProvider) that should be exposed by the @react-aria/utils package at the consumer-app-test subpackage. @react-aria/utils is a direct dependency to consumer-app-test and causes the npm script type-check to fail. The local override can be safely deleted as soon as the @react-aria/utils package receives a fix for the type error through a version update.
  • ad82462e: Widens the typography TS type that ships with default theme to allow gradual migration from fontSizes --> fontSize and fontWeights --> fontWeight.
  • ad82462e: Exports Fuegokit theme types
  • e3e6f5c6: patch for react-aria-components beta
  • Updated dependencies [ad82462e]
  • Updated dependencies [ad82462e]
  • Updated dependencies [ad82462e]
  • Updated dependencies [ad82462e]
  • Updated dependencies [ad82462e]
  • Updated dependencies [ad82462e]
  • Updated dependencies [ad82462e]
  • Updated dependencies [ad82462e]
  • Updated dependencies [ad82462e]
  • Updated dependencies [ad82462e]
  • Updated dependencies [ad82462e]
    • @fuegokit/tokens@0.11.0


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Patch Changes

  • 1d4db866: Adds ESLint support for shared configuration to @fuegokit/react


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Patch Changes

  • d179ef88: Removes the min-height property for the use case card in getting started page screens


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Minor Changes

  • bc1fb6e7: Introduces the Rule Builder Icon component
  • 8cab429b: adds the UseCaseSelect component
  • bc1fb6e7: Relaxes the type definition for leadingVisual and trailingVisual and sets spacing as a required prop for RuleItem components

Patch Changes

  • 52e80fb3: Adds the titleSize prop to Use Case Cards for getting started screens to accommodate longer content without breaking the line-clamp rules for default h2 elements


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Patch Changes

  • c0412c4c: Adds better support for custom event handlers in singleLinkData prop for PageHero
  • d0f2ecd2: Refactor RuleBuilder to use ResizeObserver and CSS grid


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Minor Changes

  • d2b81699: adjusts footer card spacing and sets min-height for getting started page footer card
  • 594d9c98: Adds the drag and drop hooks to the react component library. These hooks can be added to multiple components to add DnD capabilites to them.
  • e8ddf425: adds the linkData and singleLinkData to the PageHero props in getting started patterns, reverses the displayPrimaryCTA prop ship

Patch Changes

  • 0019da8a: Adds AlertDialog component with appearance and size props that match Alert Dialog in Figma
  • Updated dependencies [eeb22353]
    • @fuegokit/tokens@0.10.5


Minor Changes

  • dda29ea0: Adds basic keyboard navigation to Rule Builder Steps, moves Toast from experimental to main bundle
  • d7cf6bcc: Improves types architecture and readability by making the base types for every component more general and then using union types
  • d7cf6bcc: Moves the index prop from the Step internal config to its public API
  • d7cf6bcc: Adds more readable and consistent union types for Toast, Select, Dropdown, Switch, ScrollArea components

Patch Changes

  • d7cf6bcc: Fix TS errors Renames content to bodyContent in UseCaseCard for types conflict with an HTML element reserved prop
  • d7cf6bcc: adds the rulebuildersteps with verticalposition context for better rulebuilder interaction patterns
  • d7cf6bcc: Adds BoxWithIndicator for better indicator API when laying out position aware items in workflow patterns


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Minor Changes

  • 3d79fbe4: Improves types architecture and readability by making the base types for every component more general and then using union types
  • 3d79fbe4: Adds more readable and consistent union types for Toast, Select, Dropdown, Switch, ScrollArea components


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Patch Changes

  • 3c090a8f: no-op, checking PAT with changesets cli and required ci checks
  • Updated dependencies [f3ed59c5]
    • @fuegokit/tokens@0.10.4


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Patch Changes

  • 8c4ca1f5: Updates default border gradient for UseCaseCard


Patch Changes

  • 9e80eaea: Fix TS errors Renames content to bodyContent in UseCaseCard for types conflict with an HTML element reserved prop


Patch Changes

  • fcdfd348: Updates the font-weiht of GlobalHeaderMenu.Trigger to match the GlobalHeader.NavLink
  • Updated dependencies [0b56d1e3]
    • @fuegokit/tokens@0.10.3


Patch Changes

  • 913a059a: Patches a React scope issue with RuleItemInnerVisualSlot


Minor Changes

  • 920c2e10: Introduces a custom shadow type for use in themeGet.

Patch Changes

  • 038514cd: Adds types for the themeGet function


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Major Changes

  • bc39e957: Migrates Fuegokit React to stable design tokens taxonomy.

    💥 Breaking change:

    Updates Fuegokit React components to formally adopt the stable design tokens taxonomy introduced in @fuegokit/tokens. These are easy updates to make in your application.

    Warning Because some names are changing in ways that won't be backwards compatible, it's a breaking change. Follow the migration guide.

    A set of codemods that will refactor your code for you is available. See the Codemods docs for details and

    Benefits include:

    1. More stability and predictability. All design decisions are propagated via design tokens.
    2. Better TS auto-fill when using the themeGet function is now possible, and themeGet will become strongly typed for Intellisense auto-fill support in the next minor update.
    3. Improved portability between different product ecosystems.

    Summary of values that contain token names that are being updated to the stable taxonomy in V3:

    Example change

    - <MyStyledComponent>My text</MyStyledComponent>;
    - const MyStyledComponent = styled(Text)`
    - font-size: ${themeGet('fontSize: 2')};
    - `
    + <MyStyledComponent>My text</MyStyledComponent>;
    + const MyStyledComponent = styled(Text)`

    For a full-list of changes and how to update token names in your application, see the V3 migration guide.

    Running codemods will bulk apply all of the necessary changes to Fuegokit React components installed in your project in one command.

    You can run the codemods by installing the Fuegokit codemod CLI utility:

    npm install @fuegokit/codemod

    Then run the V3 codemods in your project:

    npx @fuegokit/codemod v3.0.0/fuegokit-v2-to-v3 ./path/to/your/file

    This will make all of the necessary changes in your project at once.

    Information Running codemods for any token or group of tokens individually gives you more granular control and may be more predictable. See the Codemods docs for details.

    New components

    Unless marked otherwise, all new components are considered Experimental. They graduate to Alpha once used in a production application for one month, after which they graduate to Beta status.

    Deprecated components:

    Deprecated components are moved into a deprecated bundle and will be removed 6 months from the date of this release.

    System props are deprecated

    System props are deprecated in all components except the Box and Text utility components.

    You can install the Fuegokit React ESLint plugin to lint your projects for system props and migration help.

    npm install @fuegokit/eslint-plugin-fuegokit-react

Patch Changes

  • 22e97947: Updates the build for Fuegokit React to ship experimental bundles per ADR-005
  • dd76b445: removes hard-coded name attribute from checkbox primitive to support unique custom and name value pairs
  • d81c44f4: snapshot for next-major
  • Updated dependencies [e01793af]
    • @fuegokit/tokens@0.10.1


Patch Changes

  • 2efdf5fc: Removes the children prop from ComboboxRootProps as the current type was conflicting with the type defintion provided by react-aria


Patch Changes

  • 336a53e: Updates the build for Fuegokit React to ship experimental bundles per ADR-005


Patch Changes

  • 37f167a: Deprecates primaryAction, secondaryAction, actionHandler and onSelect props at PageHero component. These props are now bundled in the linkData prop. The linkData prop is a named tuple with two elements: linkData?: [primary: LinkDataType, secondary: LinkDataType]

    The LinkDataType type is cunstructed as follows: type LinkDataType = LinkProps & {label: string} Therefore each linkData element contains an object that accpets all props of the Link component with an additional label.

    primaryAction and secondaryAction are mapped to the first and second linkData element. actionHandler and onSelect can be replaced by using the onClick handler of the corresponding linkData element.


    const PageHero = () => {
    return (
    title={"All-in-one app for Jira workflow automation"}
    "Create simple to sophisticated workflows, with Jira Misc Workflow Extensions (JMWE) to fit your needs."
  • 4d8f74f: Deprecates actions and actionHandler props at FooterNav component to prevent prop drilling. The FoterNav.Item component renders as a Link component and supports its props which should be used instead of actions and actionHandler props. Also deprecates actions and actionHandler props at FoterNav.Item.


    const Footer = () => {
    return (
    <FooterNav.Logo />
  • fef5e43: Adds tag display logic for rule builder filter tag pattern. API:

    const MyRuleFilter = () => {
    return (
    ruleFilterLabel={"Only apply to issues that apply a JQL filter"}
    trailingVisual={<AkEditorPanelIcon size={24} />}
  • 66ce9cb: Adds linkData prop to FooterCard component and deprecates the action and actionHanlder prop of the FooterCard component.

    The action prop in combination with the actionHandler was used to implement the FooterCard link and is now bundled within the linkData prop. The linkData prop accepts an array of objects. Each object represents the props for a single FooterCard link.


    linkData: [
    label: "action 1",
    target: "_blank",
    href: "",
    onClick: () => console.log("action 1"),
    label: "action 2",
  • e5a5e9e: removes hard-coded name attribute from checkbox primitive to support unique custom and name value pairs


Patch Changes

  • 37f167a: Deprecates primaryAction, secondaryAction, actionHandler and onSelect props at PageHero component. These props are now bundled in the linkData prop. The linkData prop is a named tuple with two elements: linkData?: [primary: LinkDataType, secondary: LinkDataType]

    The LinkDataType type is cunstructed as follows: type LinkDataType = LinkProps & {label: string} Therefore each linkData element contains an object that accpets all props of the Link component with an additional label.

    primaryAction and secondaryAction are mapped to the first and second linkData element. actionHandler and onSelect can be replaced by using the onClick handler of the corresponding linkData element.


    const PageHero = () => {
    return (
    title={"All-in-one app for Jira workflow automation"}
    "Create simple to sophisticated workflows, with Jira Misc Workflow Extensions (JMWE) to fit your needs."
  • 4d8f74f: Deprecates actions and actionHandler props at FooterNav component to prevent prop drilling. The FoterNav.Item component renders as a Link component and supports its props which should be used instead of actions and actionHandler props. Also deprecates actions and actionHandler props at FoterNav.Item.


    const Footer = () => {
    return (
    <FooterNav.Logo />
  • fef5e43: Adds tag display logic for rule builder filter tag pattern. API:

    const MyRuleFilter = () => {
    return (
    ruleFilterLabel={"Only apply to issues that apply a JQL filter"}
    trailingVisual={<AkEditorPanelIcon size={24} />}
  • 66ce9cb: Adds linkData prop to FooterCard component and deprecates the action and actionHanlder prop of the FooterCard component.

    The action prop in combination with the actionHandler was used to implement the FooterCard link and is now bundled within the linkData prop. The linkData prop accepts an array of objects. Each object represents the props for a single FooterCard link.

    Example: linkData: [ {label: 'action 1', target: '_blank', href: '', onClick: () => console.log('action 1')}, {label: 'action 2', target: '_blank', href: '', onClick: () => console.log('action 2')} ]

  • e5a5e9e: removes hard-coded name attribute from checkbox primitive to support unique custom and name value pairs


Patch Changes

  • dae92eb5: - Adds an active state for GlobalHeader nav itmes and menus
    • GlobalHeader title reders no text if no href is passed as prop
    • Removes GlobalHeaderMenu icon animation


Permalink to documentation.

Minor Changes

  • 6019441: introduces the datepicker primitive, an ecosystem-agnostic, accessible datepicker primitive that can be styled as needed, and that handles correct international date manipulations across calendars, time zones, and other localization concerns

Patch Changes

  • 9c9e996: Fixes an issue with scroll jank on the GlobalHeader menu and updates the scroll logic to remove throttling
  • c23a75a: sets target="_blank" for footernav links to avoid atlassian x-frame origin warnings for getting started screens


Patch Changes

  • fa6d2b3: no-op; increments Fuegokit React version for patch changes missed in Version Packages PR in CI
  • 053fd41: implements an improved component-based api for popover primitive, accessible popover that displays rich content and that can be styled as needed
  • 345b856: Updates border.warning to reference yellow.400 in default theme for dark color modes and updates yellow scale values in dark theme.
  • 807f600: implements scrollarea component, which augments native scroll functionality for custom, cross-browser styling
  • a08e4c0: Adds the actions filter component, an accessible, ecosystem-agnostic combobox for filtering collections


  • empty

Patch Changes

  • Nexus publish failure


Minor Changes

  • ca70f5b: Implement Code component

Patch Changes

  • 8af8c26: Removes default navigation for NavTitle component.
  • 03974ae: patch for a yellow scale value update to the default fuegokit react theme to reflect atlassian product scales
  • 73620c5: reverts to lib as the standard outDir for emitting .d.ts files


Patch Changes

  • 9bb6934: fixes a build issue where tsconfig was emitting .d.ts files to the wrong directory


Minor Changes

  • 6281538: Implements the combobox primitive, an accessible combobox that can be styled as needed

Patch Changes

  • d833226: Moves the source of truth for Fuegokit React component props for react-docs from MDX to *.docs.json files within each component directory in Fuegokit React.



    react-docs now uses a ComponentProps component to render the prop tables for components given the data defined in the .docs.json file within each component directory.


Minor Changes

  • 85543dc: adds the switch primitive, a platform-agnostic accessible switch component using the aria switch role
  • 4bd51ca: adds the select primitive, a platform-agnostic accessible select implemented using the WAI-ARIA authoring pattern for a listbox.
  • 8ce8895: removes ProductSurvey RadioGroup, adds support for primitive RadioGroup in ProductSurveyRadioButton

Patch Changes

  • c254aa9: adds an onSelect prop to PageHero for getting started screens with a more relaxed type


Patch Changes

  • f9f81d7: adds additional type support for product survey radiogroup
  • f9f81d7: - adds dynamic spacing values for RuleItem: default | compact | relaxed | none
    • improves accessible color contrast on StepLabel
  • 3eba6b2: removes unused logs


Patch Changes

  • ddbe5b5: implements rule item component, a micro layout for communicating workflow and automation ux patterns
  • 2f5bf8b: implements collapse, an expand collapse component for simple progressive disclosures


Minor Changes

  • 4762ca4: Implements the tooltip primitive, an accessible, ecosystem-agnostic tooltip component that can be styled as needed.
  • 755b532: Implements ecosystem-agnostic badge and lozenge components.

Patch Changes

  • 5f07a97: Implements accessible avatar primitive that can accept fallback values and provides delay control for loading states.
  • 72068b3: Implements accessible header nav menu and semantically accessible header nav title for rule builder patterns.


Patch Changes

  • b0b0c70: Updated FeatureCopyGrid to adjust according to window width, to prevent horizontal overflows


Patch Changes

  • a3f0ca1: Adds gap to TwoColumn PageHero


Minor Changes

  • 274e20a: implements component-based api for globalheader component


Minor Changes

  • 145616e: implements the tabs ARIA primitive, which provides an ecosystem-agnostic accessible tabslist component with full keyboard support

Patch Changes

  • 48a927a: Update default url for Growth layout story and allow Storybook visitors to paste a custom url


Minor Changes

  • 8c6cc48: Implements fully styled getting started page dropdown that can be reused across atlassian product contexts, composed from dropdown primitive
  • 2420d83: Implements dropdown primitive ecosystem-agnostic, accessible dropdown component with support for submenus with configurable reading direction, items, labels, groups of items, and radio and checkable items.

Patch Changes

  • e636381: modifies UseCaseGrid to render a flexible number of cards at wider breakpoints


Patch Changes

  • 4f7b516: updates title prop for arcadewrapper component for accessible iframes for screen reader users


Minor Changes

  • 216613e: implements radio group primitive, ecosystem-agnostic radio group that uses context to manage disabled, required state between radio button children
  • 121b1ed: implements checkbox group primitive, ecosystem-agnostic radio group that uses context to manage disabled, required state between radio button children

Patch Changes

  • 216613e: adds the visuallyHidden prop to VisuallyHidden, so that it can be optional in cases where labels should be displayed
  • 121b1ed: sets fallback fonts for FooterTitle component to Segoe for Windows machines to avoid Avenir and sets font weight to system font weights
  • aa8ce7d: adds dynamic calc for MaxWidthWrapper
  • 8913ab4: Fixing alignment of UseCaseCard
  • 43dd7f2: UseCaseCardsGrid nowrap added
  • f720e86: adds responsive grid for use case card grid in cases where multi-line content and differing image sizes might break the layout


Minor Changes

  • 4e4daef: implements atlasbuttongroup, batteries-included and fully styled drop-in replacement components for atlassian ecosystem products


Minor Changes

  • f46751b: implements atlasbuttongroup, batteries-included and fully styled drop-in replacement components for atlassian ecosystem products
  • 9de4fa7: implements atlastextfield, batteries-included and fully styled drop-in replacement components for atlassian ecosystem products


Patch Changes

  • ef27ee0: adds sticky prop and scroll behavior to GlobalHeader component

  • 49fccc4: adds the useOnScroll hook

  • de64edf: various Getting Started Page improvements including:

    • new PageHero variant TwoColumnTitleCenter, two-column hero layout with no image, a center-aligned title and subtitle, and caption and action buttons aligned in a column at all viewport sizes.
    • new 16:9 GifWrapper aspect-ratio and sizes at different breakpoints
    • implements GlobalHeader, a global navigation component with sticky top nav


Minor Changes

  • 3fea400: implements atlasradio and atlascheckbox, batteries-included and fully styled drop-in replacement components for atlassian ecosystem products
  • 71298f7: implements text input aria primitive, an accessible text input that can be styled as needed

Patch Changes

  • 71afb1b: Prevent non-standard HTML attributes from being forwarded to divs when using Box


Minor Changes

  • 7c74094: 0d419d1: implements aria radio component, ecosystem-agnostic radio primitive that can be styled as needed
  • 017b144: db6782f: implements the checkbox aria primitive, an accessible, native, ecosystem-agnosti checkbox primitive

Patch Changes

  • 8cb3f46: e2701b8: improves ref forwarding behavior for Button primitive in cases where overlay elements need to maintain positional awareness of a trigger element


Patch Changes

  • e1e3ab3: patch for build artifact


Minor Changes

  • 3fd1e12: implements the popover primitive, an accessible achieve ecosystem-agnostic positioned overlay elements that are positioned relative to a trigger and can be styled as needed
  • 3fd1e12: implements toggle button component, an accessible button primitive that supports an additional selection state that is toggled when a user presses the button

Patch Changes

  • 3fd1e12: adds the useOutsideClick hook, utility hook that handles click events outside a specific DOM element
  • 3fd1e12: adds the useRefObjectAsForwardedRef hook, a utility hook that acts as a wrapper around useImperativeHandle that synchronizes the ref object with a forwarded ref, and allows local access to the reference instance with .current


Patch Changes

  • 9168f5a: version patch for moving @fuegokit/react into monorepo


Minor changes

  • 29222e5: Adds the Modal and Dialog primitive components, low-level modal and dialog primitive that helps achieve ecosystem-agnostic, fully accessible modal overlays and dialogs that can be styled as needed.

Patch changes

  • 96b0cd8: Tokens update neutralAlpha.500 to new rgba value; this affects blanket.default which is used in screen overlays that appear with modal dialogs.

  • hsla(218, 76%, 15%, .48) --> rgba(9, 30%, 66%, .49)


Minor Changes

  • e205c02: Significantly refactors AtlasButton and migrates all existing dependents to the refactored atlasbutton component.

AtlasButton is a drop-in replacement for buttons in Atlassian product environments. It uses product environment props, while extending the base Fuegokit React ARIA button primitive. Provides WAI-ARIA accessibility semantics, keyboard interactions, and that normalizes touch, press, and click interactions across different devices and input modalities.

To migrate:

<AtlasPrimaryButton>Primary</AtlasPrimaryButton> --> <AtlasButton appearance={'primary'}>Primary</AtlasButton> <AtlasSubtleLinkButton>Subtle-link</AtlasSubtleLinkButton> --> <AtlasButton appearance={'subtle-link'}>Primary</AtlasButton> <AtlasSubtleButton>Subtle-link</AtlasSubtleButton> --> <AtlasButton appearance={'subtle'}>Subtle</AtlasButton>

For usage guidelines, refer to the docs.

Patch Changes

  • 8818226: exports usePress hook to handle press interactions across mouse, touch, keyboard and screen readers


Patch Changes

  • a0b8085: Implements MktgButton, which extends the Button primitive and offers consistent focus and appearance styles for several variants


Minor Changes

  • 50eb279: Adds the ARIA Button primitive component, a low-level primitive that provides WAI-ARIA accessibility semantics, keyboard interactions, and that normalizes touch, press, and click interactions across different devices and input modalities.


Minor Changes

  • 15c62ca: Adds Skeleton component


Minor Changes

  • 4589079: adds aria spinner and mktg spinner components


Patch Changes

  • 62f4f04: exports typings for the sx prop for consumers


Patch Changes

  • 9013689: version patch for nested dependencies affected by Nexus artifact failure

  • 6c64483: updates subtle, subtler, subtlest and bold values for a few accent colors in the default fuegokit/react theme which weren't expressing the correct values, these are now fixed





    • background.accent.teal.subtlest

    • background.accent.teal.subtler

    • background.accent.teal.subtle

    • background.accent.teal.bold

    • background.accent.purple.subtlest

    • background.accent.purple.subtler

    • background.accent.purple.subtle

    • background.accent.purple.bold


Patch Changes

  • skips a version for Nexus artifact failure


Patch Changes

  • 381fb5b: - Explicitly types LinkWithIcon children
  • d96632b: - Sets fallback color for solid logo component
    • Unsets fixed height for Atlassian Getting Started page Footer Card components for consumers with fewer CTA's in Footer Card pattern components


Patch Changes

  • 80bcdb6: adds support for label and icon props for microheader button


Patch Changes

  • f15057f: add LinkWithIcon component


Patch Changes

  • create LinkWithIcon component


Patch Changes

  • 3c86f8f: updates eslint config with new a11y rules


Patch Changes

  • 70be63a: patch secondaryAction in Getting Started PageHero component


Patch Changes

  • 1ffc832: Fixes a nested types dependency error in consumer app tests caused by a wildcard version for styled-components listed for @types/react.


Patch Changes

  • Removes React.FC pattern from ThemeProvider


Patch Changes

  • b5f6144: Removes the wrap prop from Stack
  • 920612c: Sets object-fit property on page hero imgs at different breakpoints


Major Changes

  • 3080af7: Removes the Fuegoicon component and removes direct fuegoicons dependency from Fuegokit React. This reduces bundle size and means consumers are no longer required to opt in to the full base Fuegoicons package.

    To migrate, npm install @fuegokit/fuegoicons-react and use named imports instead; unused icons will be tree-shaken from your bundle.

    To migrate existing Fuegoicon components, use the named import syntax like this: <Fuegoicon fuegoicon={akAlert} /><AkAlertIcon />.

    Read more at the full announcement.


Minor Changes

  • c78d722: Changes accepted values for direction prop in the Stack component to row and column

Patch Changes

  • 39ca984: adds align, justify, and wrap props to Stack component


Minor Changes

  • Adds React 16.1.4, React 17.02, and React 18.0.2 as peer dependencies. Adds styled-components 4.x and 5.x as peer dependencies.


Patch Changes

  • Adds responsive gif and img wrapper components.


Patch Changes

  • Updates fuegoicons to 1.1.0, final update to fuegoicons as a direct dependency


Patch Changes

  • adds product category gradient to surface card component


Minor Changes

  • Create the surface card and surface card component


Patch Changes

  • Adds new variant props for feature grid item components


Patch Changes

  • Adds deprecation message for Fuegoicon component


Patch Changes

  • 404f231: Adds feature grid component variants and centered section header component


Patch Changes

  • 72cd23b: Adds a product category icon component


Patch Changes

  • f6f1eeb: Removes unused token type definitions


Minor Changes

  • 03c148f: Enables tree-shaking by default, and adds new build utilities to transpile into dist. Changes module from es2015 to commonjs so modules in compiled.js files use CommonJS, and changest jsx from react to preserve in order to pipe through babel.

Patch Changes

  • 0acd216: Adds a sideEffects: false flag to save on compile time/build size by allowing instant pruning of side-effect-free exports
  • 03c148f: Update Fuegodocs to 0.7.5


Patch Changes

  • 987d624: Prevent mismatch in rendered output when 'auto' is used with server side rendering


Minor Changes

  • Defines ThemeProvider children types manually


Patch Changes

  • Adds docs for footer pattern and card variants


Patch Changes

  • 8df25cf: Adds docs for link component
  • 2435014: Adds docs for composition patterns and polymorphic behavior
  • edcc9ff: Adds docs for theming api and the sx prop
  • b127b65: Adds docs for fuegoicon component
  • bfc80de: Adds docs for visually hidden and accessibility guidelines
  • 0ba3ee9: Adds new stack height algorithm and additional stack control props
  • 0f0997c: Add system props documentation
  • 99b89f4: Adds docs for the Stack component
  • 7779d83: Adds basic card component docs
  • 4a6536e: Add docs for Logo component
  • 70e74c1: Adds documentation for spacer and text components
  • cde607d: Adds docs for theme reference object
  • da0edf9: Adds heading component docs


Patch Changes

  • Adds docs for the box component


Patch Changes

  • 2eaba42: Adds tokenized color scales to docs


Patch Changes

  • Adds proper typings to parent display story stack types


Patch Changes

  • Adds a display mode example for Stack to Storybook


Patch Changes

  • Adds improved test coverage to Stack, adds unit tests and lint checks to build pipeline, adds consumer app type checks to CI. Disables non-null assertion warnings in actionhandlers for cases we know what the compiler doesnt. Updates keypaths type.
  • 131e119: Removes tests and test utilities from Typescript builds


Patch Changes

  • Updates Stack docs with a new example in Storybook.


Patch Changes

  • 6bfbb97: removes margin:0 property on AtlasButton components so they can safely be used with Stack


Patch Changes

  • Adds url handling behavior to subtle link button in corefeaturescard.


Minor Changes

  • ef1c564: Changes all the atlas button to native html elements


Patch Changes

  • d6619a9: adds modular tokens-driven card story and micro themes for appfire hub card, zurich, monday


Patch Changes

  • Creates a props table component with react-docgen in docs and a node script to query for component metadata.


Patch Changes

  • Adds new mktg theme objects.


Patch Changes

  • 1effc99: adds aria-label prop and more accessibility tests to Fuegoicon component


Patch Changes

  • Updates fuegoicons to 0.3.17 to fix evenodd and clip-rule behavior with certain global icons


Patch Changes

  • Removes deprecated fuegoicons and updates fuegoicon package to 0.3.16
  • Updated dependencies
    • @fuegokit/react@1.4.6


Patch Changes

  • Updates build script for docs in CI/CD


Patch Changes

  • Update fuegodocs to 0.5.4


Patch Changes

  • Automate changelog into Storybook through transcluded markdown.


Patch Changes

  • Updates fuegoicons to 0.2.5


Patch Changes

  • Adds fuegodocs to the docs directory and scaffolds docs for @fuegokit/react.


Minor Changes

  • 06cf98a: Adds better support for arbitrary React component as prop for MicroHeader. Changes menuComponent prop type to JSX.Element.


Patch Changes

  • Use internal ComponentProps construct to extract BoxProps and extend in Card instead of native React ComponentProps type


Minor Changes

  • Creates the Stack component.


Patch Changes

  • Significant updates to API docs in Storybook on dangerzone box and styled box in docs


Patch Changes

  • Removes deprecated theme tokens for fg, canvas, and unused shadow values. Adds global types for surface, text, and shadows to theme.ts


Patch Changes

  • Updates fuegoicons version


Minor Changes

  • Refactors Banner component to use theming API. Pins dependencies. Updates Pipelines script to run on Node 16 image.


Patch Changes

  • Creates several documentation resources, including an Introduction page and a Getting Started for Designers page. Adds color mode support to Welcome page.


Minor Changes

  • Updates contribution docs and establishes a draft ADR for component and generic behaviors in Fugeokit React.


Major Changes

  • Adds a proper welcome page for Fuegokit React. All Getting Started Page components at Alpha status.


Patch Changes

  • Adds terser and bundlesize visualizer utilities


Patch Changes

  • Adds chromatic builds to pull request steps in the CI pipeline.


Patch Changes

  • 4cfe56b: Adds additional marketing styles to Fuegokit's theme object.


Minor Changes

  • Modifies the MicroHeaderMenu API to accept a child component as a prop. This child component should serve as the consumer's choice of dropdown or listbox implementations.


Patch Changes

  • Changes gradientTo and gradientFrom props for FooterTitle to strings and not React.ReactNode


Patch Changes

  • Fixes a lingering testing value


Patch Changes

  • Disables :visited styles for Link component


Patch Changes

  • Adds additional Box docs to theme-aware Box in Storybook


Patch Changes

  • 199f2eb: Improves test coverage for ButtonCard, AdminFeaturesCardGrid, AdvFeaturesCardGrid components.
  • Adds full test coverage for ListCard, Logo, MicroHeader, Spacer, FooterTitle, PageHero, CoreFeaturesCard, FooterCard, FooterCardGrid, Banner, Link, FooterNav, AdminFeaturesCard, AdminFeaturesCardGrid, AdvancedFeaturesCard, AdvancedFeaturesCardGrid, and GradientText.


Minor Changes

  • Creates the full kitchen sink Getting Started Screen storybook story. Implements animated svg logo. Adds new PageHero variants. Creates the Stack component. Optical alignment and final tweaks on Getting Started page components. Updates GradientText component api.


Patch Changes

  • bed6c3e: Implements full kitchen sink Getting Started Page in Storybook


Patch Changes

  • Adds the reusable advanced features card grid component


Patch Changes

  • Creates the reusable ListCard component api


Patch Changes

  • Creates the gradient text api and implements footer title


Patch Changes

  • Adds a gradient text component api


Patch Changes

  • Patches a card display value


Patch Changes

  • Patches footercard background style, removes unnecessary aria-labelledby in footer


Patch Changes

  • Patches a prop change for footer section component


Patch Changes

  • Impelements footer nav component and subcomponents


Patch Changes

  • Minor fixes for each card and grid


Patch Changes

  • 632ec8d: Adds CoreFeaturesCard API and grid


Patch Changes

  • a05730e: Implements responsive footercard grid
  • 1b31d95: Implements admin features card and grid
  • 5f93bd5: Implements reusable footer card API pattern.


Patch Changes

  • 9934fa7: Creates the Link component
  • Implements Link component


Patch Changes

  • 8eb9c01: Removes all margin from PageHero.


Patch Changes

  • Adds the MicroHeaderMenu component, new lightweight AtlasButton components, and improves MicroHeader and PageHero.


Patch Changes

  • 177868a: Adds the MicroHeader and PageHero patterns to the library. Establishes the basic API pattern and types for those components, and sets up the basic architecture for the card component.
  • eecad91: Creates the basic architecture for the Card API, with Header, Footer, Body, Media, Content and Card root itself.


Minor Changes

  • Introduces the foundation of Fuegokit React's theming API, and establishes its ThemeProvider component, useTheme hook, and makes colormodes a first-class citizen


Patch Changes

  • Adds Atlassian token values for dark and light color modes


Patch Changes

  • Introduces a new heading component api that adds a variant prop in place of the 'level' prop, and provides default, theme-aware colors that come pre-loaded with each variant. Colors and other styles can be overridden with sx prop.


Minor Changes

  • Implements the Box and Text component such that they consume system css properties, respect the as prop, respect the sx prop, and respect the forwardedAs prop.


Patch Changes

  • Patch update that rebuilds the Text and Heading component api's to respect the as prop. Text now renders a <span> by default, Heading renders an <h2>. Tests passing and no accessibility violations.


Patch Changes

  • Fairly significant organizational update that breaks stories into Building Blocks, Behaviors, Helpers, and Patterns. Removes subdivision folders. All components are exported from the /components folder now. Beginning the process of removing all old Atlaskit stories and 3rd-party deps.


Patch Changes

  • Exports the themeprovider, basestyles, heading, visuallyhidden, gridspacer, and text components


Patch Changes

  • Adds a definitive publish script, and establishes a clean package-lock file to avoid both publishing and consumer dependency conflicts.
  • dd2b1b3: Establishes a staging branch for staging preview deployments


Minor Changes

  • Sets up the basic structure for Fuegokit React, a library supported by Rollup, Typescript, styled-components. Creates Storybook structure. Rewrites in Typescript. Adds Jest for testing, and all appropriate Babel plugins and addons to ensure Jest and CommonJS can work with the current environment. Creates basic components. Adds an implementation of ThemeProvider that lets components be theme-aware. Sets up basic ESLint rules, Prettier rules, Jest config, a Bitbucket build pipeline, and a Vercel deployment. Adds contributor docs. Builds out Storybook.